Monday, March 2, 2009

Lipstick & Liberty

This past December, I was lucky enough to catch a screening of Darryl Robert's beauty-based documentary, America the Beautiful.

The film highlights self-esteem and gender issues in mainstream media and the modeling and plastic surgery industries. While some of the content may seem problematic, Roberts interviews women and men and injects his interpretation based on his experiences.

Roberts ties in America's obsession with beauty with our drive for money in a capitalistic society.

The documentary is no longer touring, but you can check out the website for a brief preview and sign up for DVD release information.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Rah, Rah Riot Grrls

One movement has inspired feminists across the nation to pick up their pom-poms and don their red, pink and black in the name of liberation. They’re peppy, fist-raising radical cheerleaders, and they’re “too cute to be arrested.”

These do-it-yourself radicals take cheer leading into the realm of politics, gender identity, body image and escaping all forms of oppressive media. They create their own outfits and write their own subversive cheers.

Like most left-wing activists, you can find the radical cheerleaders marching protests and organizing in their communities. But they contribute something similar to street theater: choreography, lyrics and a satirical twist on the otherwise serious nature of activism.

They want you to laugh, they want you to think, and they want to focus your attention on issues close to their hearts. They are almost always looking for new members, and can be found in most communities with a little sleuthing on the internet.

Steak & Potatoes of Woman Positive Media

Media and women go together like steak and potatoes. We consume media; we consume women in the media. But how do we eat our dinners when there's nothing but skinny scraps of potato skins on our plates? What are we supposed to survive on?

I am not a lifeless piece of food. I would like a little more, please. And I would like some decent role models.

Devoted to the promotion of positive female images in media, I dedicate this blog to feminists and non-feminists alike who are tired of the one-dimensional, celebrity driven, beauty obsessed representations of women.

As a feminist and a critic of mainstream media and pop culture, I will discuss current events from a feminist point of view: what helps us, what hinders us, and what progress is being made in woman positive entertainment and news.

I welcome any kick-ass women resisting and creating their own forms of media.

We are fierce. We are radical. Advertisements, news articles, videos: beware.